Windows Instructions:
- After you generate an email signature above, click the "Copy Signature" button.
- Go to your Outlook and compose a New Email.
- In the New Email, on the Message tab in the Include group, choose Signature > Signatures.
- Under Select signature to edit, choose New. In the New Signature box, name your signature.
- Under Edit signature, right click (or CTRL+V) and paste your signature into the Signature box, click on the clipboard that popped up and select Keep Source Formatting.
- Under Choose default signature, make sure you select your newly created Signature name on the New messages drop down.
- Click OK to save.
Mac Instructions:
- After you generate an email signature above, click the "Copy Signature" button.
- Go to your Outlook and compose a New Email.
- In the New Email, on the Message tab click on Signature > Edit Signatures.
- Click the "+" and double click the line to give a name to your signature.
- Click into the signature box, make sure it is empty.
- Right click (or CMD+V) and paste your signature into the Signature box, click on the clipboard that popped up and select Keep Source Formatting.
- Under Choose default signature, make sure you select your newly created Signature name on the New messages drop down.
- Close out the Signatures box.